The Hostel Committee will consist of the Principal, the Deputy Warden and two Senior Members of the Staff nominated by the Principal. They will hold atleast one meeting every month to pass the accounts, to formulate policies as regards maintenance of the discipline etc., The committee will be assisted by the resident superintendents, who shall be the member of the college staff.
The Hostel shall be under the direct control of the Principal of the college who is the ex-officio warden of the hostel. Subject to the approvel of the warden, the Dy. warden shall make by-laws for the effective internal management of the hostel.
Deputy Warden
Dr. A. Hyder Ali, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Resident Superintendents
Mr. K.V. Mohammed Bilal, M.B.A., M.Phil.
Dr. M. Saiyad Musthafa, M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D.
Mr.H.Suhel, M.A., M.Phil.
Mr.S.Abdul Hakkeem, M.A